How to Promote Affiliate Products on Blog

  1.  Indirect Promotion : I think it's always hundred time better to promote an affiliate product through blog post rather than just placing a banner anywhere in your blog.
  2. Personal Recommendation : Don't just promote for the sake of selling, share your personal thought. Not only discuss about the strength of the product but also show the weakness and limitation it poses.
  3. Maintain Relationship with Your Readers : If any of your reader have any question regarding the product you are promoting ask you any question, try your best to solve his/her query.
  4. Place Affiliate links Inside Your Blog Post : Whenever you find a perfect product (you are sure about it's valuability) relating your blog post, never forget to add a link to that product from your blog post. In this case you shouldn't expect good profit because you are not promoting the product but sharing your thought about a topic and as you find a good product relating to the topic you just share it with readers so that if some of they become interested then can buy.
  5. Multiple Promotion : I know some of you may raise the eyebrow knowing it but it's true. Peoples may overlook your recommendation (though they may look for that type of product) for various reason (either didn't visit your blog for few times, didn't catch your feed etc). In this situation wouldn't it be it helpful for them (also for you) to recommend them the product you already have promoted?
  6. Bonus and FREE Offer :Who doesn't know peoples like free offer, so if you able to provide free or bonus offer to your readers if they buy the product from your recommendation I'm sure you will just become surprised watching the result. One way to do this is to contact with the owner of the affiliate product to provide the offer only for your readers.
  7.  Be Transparent : Never forget the fact, not all of your loyal readers are going to buy the product, so after clicking on affiliate link if they launch to a sell page it will irritate them. Why not give them the understanding power to understand the link will take them to the sell page. One way to do this is to write just beside the affiliate link that 'the link will take you to the sell page', believe me it only improve your credibility on blogosphere. Thanks Darren from for showing this tip.
  8. Promote Several Product : Not all of the time you are going to receive good amount of income referring a particular affiliate product. What seems (the product) good for you may not be upto the mark for your readers so try to promote several good quality products (you don't have any about it's functionality) in your niche.
  9.  Keep Track of Selling Result : This is the tip many of you just ignore. Peoples fail to understand how important is it to have a close look towards your campaign, it not only give the selling result but also other related notion like which ad work best, how placement affect selling etc. All of those top affiliate network has tracking tool, use it in its full potential to plan future affiliate marketing strategy.
  10. Don't Loose Heart : Many of those top affiliate marketers earn huge amount of commission overnight, keep in mind it's not possible for yes (at the initial phase). So never loose heart, we are blogger our first preference should be to earn money online through blogging, affiliate marketing stand next.

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How to Promote Affiliate Products on Blog
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