Comparison among Thesis, Genesis and Socrates Themes updated 2016

Thesis Theme:

Thesis Theme is a professional looking theme out of the box, but it is also designed to be quite customizable so you can tweak your blog’s look and feel to your heart’s content. Thesis Theme 1.7 was just released last month, and it adds a whole new host of features to make Thesis even better. In this Thesis Theme review. Installing Thesis Theme is just like any other WordPress theme. After you have the theme activated, you will notice a new Thesis menu in your WordPress control panel. To customize the basic look of your Thesis install, head on over to the Design Options. The coolest feature here is the ability to change the layout. You can switch between 1 column, 2 column, or 3 column layouts and adjust the widths of each column directly on this page. What normally would be a complex coding operation is no longer any effort at all. And if you change your mind, you can switch your layout as many times as you like.

The Design Options page is also where you can set the colors and fonts of your blog. Almost every part of your site can be changed from within this page. You will  like the color picker which makes it easy to find and select the perfect color you want. If there happens to be something you can’t tweak in here, you can also get down and dirty and tweak the CSS using the custom stylesheet. This is separate from the main Thesis stylesheet so you won’t lose any customizations you make during the next Thesis update.
Other cool features of Thesis Theme are the ability to add your own Google Analytics or Mint tracking code from within the control panel. No more mucking around in the footer.php file of your theme to do that. Thesis 1.7 adds new options that allow you to make your WordPress blog more Ajax enabled by automatically including several popular javascript libraries like JQuery, MooTools, Dojo and others. Finally, You will  like the Multimedia Box. This is a spot on your page where you can rotate pictures, embed Youtube videos or even add your own custom code to include things like ad banners. Very cool.
Most affiliate marketers are very focused on SEO and normally when I install any WordPress Theme, the first plugin I install is the All-in-one SEO pack to help SEO optimize my blog. With Thesis Theme, that step is no longer necessary as it is SEO ready out of the box and easily customizable. You will  like the fact that you can add a custom title, description and meta tags specific to each post, category page, and tag page. This makes Thesis Theme one of the most SEO friendly themes out there.
Support is very good and it has a very large community of helpful members. Plus Thesis Theme is constantly being developed as demonstrated by all the new features introduced with Thesis 1.7, and customers get free lifetime updates. I hope you found this Thesis review useful and if you are looking for a good premium wordpress theme, I highly recommend giving Thesis Theme a look. Framework is a premium template system for WordPress that is designed to serve as the rock-solid foundation beneath any kind of website.

Genesis Themes:

The Genesis Framework empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go.
Technically, Genesis Theme Framework refers to the parent theme. Reviewing the parent theme without any regard to the child theme is just not possible, since part of the actual Genesis Theme Framework’s impressive attributes lie on its extension—the child theme.
1) Automatic theme updates for easy upgrades
2) Extensive array of built-in SEO settings
3) Good selection of theme settings to tweak your site
4) Custom widgets and options for multiple widget placement
5) 6 default layout options which can be applied site-wide or individual pages or posts
6) Wide selection of child theme design (fees apply per child theme)
7) 50+ hook locations—opens up opportunity to add more functionality by inserting codes
8) Enhanced security audit from WordPress lead developer Mark Jaquith
9) Compatible with BuddyPress
10) Forum Support
11) Step-by-step tutorials on how to use various features
12) Genesis Theme Framework Pros
Easy Site Makeover:  Updating the look of your website is easy with the parent/child theme framework. For some of you who have no idea how a parent/child theme works, the best way to explain it is to compare it to a painted wall. The wall is the parent theme and the paint is the child theme. If you want to change the look of the wall, you repaint it. The wall may look different because of the new paint, but it is still the same wall. With the Genesis theme as the platform, all you have to do is select, install and activate a child theme. Once you get tired of it, you can easily give your site a makeover by selecting a different child theme. Of course, your site will remain unchanged except for the new style.
Affordable Compared to Other Premium WordPress Themes: The amount $79.95 for the Genesis Framework and a child theme is a reasonable amount, especially when you can use them in creating an unlimited amount of websites. In fact, you can also opt for the Pro Plus All-Theme Package for $249.95, and you will get lifetime access to all present and future child themes, along with lifetime forum access. Whether you are a web developer or an internet entrepreneur, this deal is pretty much the best I have encountered so far.
SEO-Friendly Genesis is search engine optimized: It has built-in SEO options, which is a great feature, since it eliminates the need for SEO plug-ins. It will give you control over various SEO elements.
 Adaptable Framework: Advanced users or people with technical know-how will appreciate the theme’s adaptable framework. With Genesis, it is almost safe to say, the possibilities are endless.
Genesis Theme Framework Cons: Plain Output for Beginners But Impressive Output for Advanced Users. Do not let this flaw influence your buying decision. After all, this should not even come as a surprise to you. We are talking about web design. If you have zero to so-so knowledge of web design and development, you should not even be expecting to create a masterpiece, or more specifically, create something similar to those showcased themes in the StudioPress website. Until such time when you are well versed with coding, you should settle for a simple, yet working web design.

Socrate themes:

Socrate theme is a newly released premium WordPress theme that is well suited for niche bloggers. It was developed by Joel Comm and It allows you to create Adsense and Clickbank monetized WordPress blogs in a matter of minutes. You can customize Socrates Theme very easily to look however you like it which makes it perfect for internet marketers looking to create great looking niche blogs.Premium Wordpress.Socrates continues to grow in popularity and is now being used on over 50,000 sites.   That’s just amazing and makes us one of the most used themes online.
Here are some of the cool features of Socrates Theme:
Custom Header Design System – With over 160 niche header designs, you can easily insert these pre-made headers into your theme branded with blog title and description. You can easily upload your own custom headers if you like as well.
Custom Backgrounds – Socrates Theme includes over 50 different backgrounds that you can use to fit the style of your site. It’s easy to customize them too so the backgrounds will display however you like them too.
Easy Monetization – With the optional “Ad Bar”, you can easily insert a 728 x 90 banner above your content. You can also enter in your Clickbank ID from the control panel and rotate different clickbank products on the right hand side.
Multiple Layout Design – Socrates Theme is very flexible in terms of layout. You can choose to have a left sidebar, right sidebar, or even a split sidebar design.

Step by step process of becoming an affiliate marketer:
Affiliate marketing is a rising marketing technique now a days. This is one of the strong technique which can generate more profit for an organization and side by side it also takes care of the affiliates. Affiliate marketing is a large business, and it can be mighty successful for many of those involved in the industry, but it is a process you must go about on your own—not by clicking on another affiliate marketer’s links claiming outrageous payouts. The process of becoming an affiliate marketer isn’t as complex as it sounds, luckily. There is a step-by-step process that will allow to enter the business with relative ease—and a lot of elbow grease.
Step 1: Pick Your Poison
 The first step of the process is choosing the market or vertical that you want to get into. Make it something you are interested in because you might be working in it for quite a long time. If you love cars, pick cars—not gardening.
Within your chosen market you will then need to pick a product. I recommend picking just one product to start; this will help to keep you focused in the beginning. For your first product pick something relatively easy to market that people will be likely purchase online—for example carburetors for classic Mustangs. Having a specific product instead of a general one will boost your income as people coming to your site to learn about classic Mustang carburetors will likely need one in the near future. It will also put you into a smaller market than those marketing used books or affiliate marketing programs. Using a very specific products will mean your cost per visitor will be low and your profits high.
Step 2: If You Build It—They Will Come
 Field of Dreams was a smart movie. Next step, build your website/blog/social network/what have you. Put time and effort into this process because you need to be an expert in your market, so that people will turn to your creation for advice. Obviously this needs to be about the product you chose, so to continue with the example you would build a site or network about classic Mustangs or classic Mustang restoration. After you have your basic site built you will build a series around your product, something like “how to install a classic Mustang carburetor”, “how to source carburetors for a classic mustang”, etc. A hint for success: include on your site a forum that allows people to get involved in your website’s community. It will keep people coming back to the site and is also a great place to link to products for sale on the specific topic. Forum’s are also self-replicating so you won’t have to write all the content yourself.
 Step 3: Market the Crap Out of It
Once you are done with the build, AND ONLY ONCE YOU ARE FINISHED, you need to send people to your creation. There are many ways to do this, you can create a social buzz about it, you can use SEO techniques, place ads on similarly-focused content, post on relevant forums on your topic, etc. Initially you should use as many marketing techniques as you can to promote your website or network. Once you are up and running you can focus on whichever methods are working the best for your product. Over time you will want to refocus your efforts on self-replicating methods that require less effort on your part—but this will come in with experience.
Step 4: Join an Affiliate Marketing Program
 Now that you are done with the hard part comes the easy step. Sign up for an affiliate marketing program. Do plenty of research on the best affiliate marketing program out right now (they do change so me stating one here won’t be helpful). Choose the one that works the best for you. Just as a rough idea 80% of programs are revenue-sharing or pay-per-sale, 19% cost per action and the remaining 1% cost-per-click or cost-per-mile.
Step 5: Branch Out
 Once you have got the above process completed you will begin to see traffic and revenue coming from your venture. Be aware however that this will take time–so be prepared to not see immediate results. Also, the initial profits might be meagre but never fear, these should compound over time. Hopefully you aren’t relying on the initial profits as your only source of income as you will need to reinvest at least part of them into growing your network.After the initial product is successful, and hopefully self-replicating, you will want to branch out into others products like classic Mustang headlights, body parts, and other engine parts. Obviously the more products you have the more money you will make. When branching out try to stay within your original market (providing it was successful) because it will help you focus your energy, improve your expert status and it will be easier to join all your efforts together into one large reference site in the future. Joining your different products together is slightly easier to do if they are all related to classic cars than if you have separate websites about cars, gardening, dentistry and hair care.

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Comparison among Thesis, Genesis and Socrates Themes updated 2016
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