Affiliate Marketing Tips & Tricks 2016 Part 2

Get paid to display ads (google adsense):

Google AdSense is a free, simple way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites. AdSense also lets you provide Google search to your site users, while earning money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.
 Choose the type and placement of ad units to be displayed
* Specify where you want ads to appear
* Choose what types of ads can compete for those slots
Highest-paying ads display
* Advertisers bid on your inventory in a real-time auction
* Always show the highest-paying ad
Get paid
* Google bills advertisers and ad networks
* Get paid through our reliable payment options
There's no precise answer, because your earnings will depend on a number of factors.
The type of ads appearing on your pages: By displaying ads with AdSense for content, you can display ads that are paid when users click them or when users view them. All ads compete in an ad auction, and our system automatically selects those which will generate the most revenue for you while ensuring a good user experience.
The pricing of ads appearing on your pages: Not all ads are priced the same, so factors such as changing advertiser budgets, your specific content, and the ads your users choose to click will cause your earnings to vary even from day to day.

How many AdSense products can be used:

 You can earn from AdSense in many different ways -- by displaying ads on your webpages, by providing search to your users, by displaying ads in feeds, and more. Using more AdSense products will increase your potential earnings.The best way to find out how much you'll earn is to sign up and start showing ads on your webpages. There's no cost, no obligation, and getting started is quick and easy. Sign up now.
Once you're a part of Google AdSense, you can see your earnings at any time by signing in and viewing your reports. You'll be able to see the total number of ad clicks, impressions, clickthrough rate, and your total earnings. This information will give you an idea of how well the program is performing for you and how much you can expect to earn over time in the program.

Best way to not look spammy:

One key component for ranking in Google image search results is the text around your image. One great way to make sure that you’re controlling the text around your image (and that it targets the proper keywords) is to use captions. So for instance if your target keyword were “Boston steakhouse” you would consider using those terms in the photo caption if there were a natural way to include them

Need to use Descriptive Names for Photo Files:

 It is fairly easy to upload images that are named based on something that is solely relevant to the person creating the web page. This, however, does nothing to guarantee that a search engine will find that image based on a person’s logical search phrasing. It also does not guarantee that a surfer who retrieves that image will understand why it is relevant to their own search. Sometimes, it is convenient for a person creating content to simply upload photos that retain the numbered labeling done by most digital cameras, i.e. “IMG000284.” This does nothing to help improve ranking.
If you understand how to SEO images, then you know that the name of the uploaded image should bear the keywords for the page where that image lands. It is best not to run the words in an image name together without a break between words – or use an underscore to separate in an image name. Pictures are harder to find this way. Separate words with a hyphen, instead, since this makes more logic to web bots. So for our Boston steakhouse example we might name the image file something like:

Need to use Descriptive Alt Text (Alt Attribute):

 Alt (or Alternative) text is the wording that appears when a user hovers over an image or that appears in results to describe the image (developers also call this text an alt attribute as it’s an attribute within a tag in HTML code; it’s also incorrectly referred to as an “alt tag” frequently. You can learn more about other important SEO elements in HTML in our HTML cheat sheet for SEO). Your alt attribute or alt text should contain very similar keywords to those you’re targeting on your page.

Getting the Images Clicked need to use Large, High-Quality Fast Loading Images:

 Nothing turns away traffic like poor-quality blurred images. Most Internet users will not even click on an image that is not crisp and presented well. The preferred universal image format for photos on the web is jpg, and larger images work best for the web for getting a clean view. Stay away from abstract images and choose images that clearly show things like faces. This will help to make your images more clickable when they do show up in search results, which will help you to realize your ultimate goal: getting more qualified visitors to your site. By also ensuring that your image files are compressed properly you’re able to ensure that you have images that load quickly and look attractive: this way when you get those images to show up in Google image search or the universal search results they’ll be seen quickly and they’ll be an attractive option for searchers.

Need to avoid those common mistakes:
 * Using spammy phrases, like "Click here!" or "Once in a lifetime opportunity!"
* Going crazy with exclamation points!!!!!!
* USING ALL CAPS, WHICH IS LIKE YELLING IN EMAIL (especially in the subject)
* Coloring their fonts bright red, or green
* Coding sloppy HTML (usually from converting a Microsoft Word file to HTML)
* Creating an HTML email that's nothing but one big image, with little or no text (since spam filters can't
read images, they assume you're a spammer that's trying to trick 'em).
* Using the word "Test" in the subject line (agencies run into this all the time, when sending drafts to
clients for approval)
* Sending a test to multiple recipients within the same company (that company's email firewall can only
assume it's a spam attack)
* Designing HTML email in Microsoft Word, and exporting the code to HTML (that code is sloppy, and s
spam filters hate it)

Comparison between chitka and kontera
Kontera is an advertising network, providing in-text advertising and information services.
Kontera's technology is based on several proprietary semantic, statistical, linguistic, and yield-maximization algorithms that analyze online content, extract and rank topics and keywords, and then match them to relevant advertisements, content, and information. The company's flagship product is called ContentLink.Kontera ads are well represented on the internet and used in over 1% of the top 10,000 websites ranked by traffic.


Chitika is a data analytics company in the business of on-line advertising. Through the application of data and innovative technology in the fields of mobile, local and search Chitika has developed a vast global network that maximizes yield for both publishers and advertisers. Chitika  Premium displays ads to visitors that reach a page directly from a major search engine. They detect the search query used by the visitor and then return ads that best match that search query. Returning well-targeted, highly relevant ads should result in a higher Click-through rate. This is how the ads monetize the "second click". All Chitika  Premium ads are Pay per click (PPC) and are promoted by Chitika as their best performing ad product for publishers based on effective Cost per impression (eCPM). Chitika Premium ad units are 100% compatible with Google AdSense. According to Chitika the Chitika Premium ad units do not conflict with the Google AdSense terms of use because the ad units are not contextual and the ad units do not look like Google AdSense ads

Affiliate marketing:

 Simplest way to explain affiliate marketing is that it is a way of making money online whereby you as a publisher are rewarded for helping a business by promoting their product, service or site.
There are a number of forms of these types of promotions but in most cases they involve you as a publisher earning a commission when someone follows a link on your blog to another site where they then buy something.
Other variations on this are where you earn an amount for referring a visitor who takes some kind of action – for example when they sign up for something and give an email address, where they complete a survey, where they leave a name and address etc.
Commissions are often a percentage of a sale but can also be a fixed amount per conversion.
Conversions are generally tracked when the publisher uses a link with a code only being used by you embedded into it that enables the advertiser to track where conversions come from (usually by cookies). Other times an advertiser might give a publisher a ‘coupon code’ for their readers to use that helps to track conversions.

Facebook Event Ads Strategy:

The Facebook Events application is one of the most powerful advertising tool available and is provided at no cost to the user. It allows you the flexibility to advertise events to both your existing Facebook fan base, whilst also advertising externally and attracting new users to ‘attend’ your event and ‘fan’ you page.
The events application spreads events virally. When a users clicks the ‘attending’ button, this message is syndicated through their news feeds to their friends and colleges. As social groups are generally homogenous the ‘pickup rate’ is extremely high and we often find that the money spent attracting one attendee actually leads to 2 or 3 friends joining them. The viral aspect continues to perpetuate as those friends that also click ‘attending’ further the event through their news feeds and so the ball keeps rolling.

Google Retargeting Product Strategy:

Google retargeting (they call it remarketing) is an extremely powerful tool, continuing a conversation with consumers that have previously visited your website, either reminding them to complete an action, or using it for burst marketing opportunities. The structure of how you apply retarketing tags on-site dictates the strategic options you can utilise to generate positive marketing outcomes.
Retarketing tags can be applied to either a common footer of a website, meaning that you tag everyone that has accessed the page and send them generic marketing banners to keep the brand top of mind, and/or you can choose specific pages within the site and take a more disaggregated approach. For an e-commerce website I would recommend applying a huge range of tags to the various product pages by category. For example all the pages about office chairs would have a common tag, whereas office desks would use a different tag. The flexibility this provides is to provide more relevant advertising to the user based on their browsing history.

Social media marketing strategy:

I recently expressed the following opinion on a Social Media Blog Post – “I believe we are in the Toddler Phase of Social Media Marketing. Some companies will walk and talk faster than others - but we ‘ALL’ want to walk.” While not intending to “Coin a Phrase” - the more I thought about it, the more I realized how accurately it describes the growing pains most companies are experiencing in trying to integrate effective Social Media Programs into their 2012 Marketing Mix Strategies.
Being a Social Media Toddler should be viewed as a “good” thing. We are all “Social Media Toddlers” when it comes to Integrating Social Media Marketing into the Marketing Mix. The more we experience the positive effects of Social Media Marketing, the more inclined we are to take advantage of Social Media Strategies in new and different ways.
Some Marketing Consultants have also started to utilize the phrase “Re-inventing Social Media” as a possible solution to some of the challenges associated with Social Media Marketing. I believe it’s a little premature to re-invent something many companies still don’t fully understand. The greatest challenge associated with Social Media Marketing involves the integration of Social Media Strategies into the mix of our more traditional marketing strategies

PA internet marketing - PA search marketing strategy:

For any company STARTING A NEW SMALL BUSINESS, or even any established business, an effective 2012 Search Marketing - Internet Marketing Strategy is one of the key marketing strategies requiring attention and a great deal of patience. Unlike direct face to face marketing, B2B TELEMARKETING or EMAIL MARKETING PROGRAMS, Search Marketing and Internet Marketing success is not dependent on personal relationships. If a new business owner expects to achieve any success in the area of Internet Marketing, including SEARCH MARKETING – SEO - SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, he or she first needs to understand one important fact:
Search Engines such as Google® - Yahoo® - Bing® operate under their own set of guidelines. If a new or existing business owner makes a sincere attempt to understand and follow these guidelines, your website has a decent chance of obtaining high search engine rankings.
The focus of this month’s 2012 Internet Marketing article centers around two of the most important search marketing strategies critical to any effective search marketing program: Search Engine Guidelines and Engaging, Current, Informative, and Content Rich Website Content.

Mobile marketing:

Mobile marketing can refer to one of two categories of interest. First, and relatively new, is meant to describe marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a cell phone using SMS Marketing. (this is an example of horizontal telecommunication convergence). Second, and a more traditional definition, is meant to describe marketing in a moving fashion - for example - technology road shows or moving billboards.
Although there are various definitions for the concept of mobile marketing, no commonly accepted definition exists. Mobile marketing is broadly defined as “the use of the mobile medium as a means of marketing communication” or “distribution of any kind of promotional or advertising messages to customer through wireless networks”. More specific definition is the following: “using interactive wireless media to provide customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services and ideas, thereby generating value for all stakeholders".

Types of Mobile Marketing

    SMS: (short message service):  Also known as ‘texting’: Advertisers can send relevant marketing messages in form of texts
    MMS: (multi-media message service):  Marketing messages that utilize multiple, rich media elements such as images, video and audio
    Mobile Applications: The ads can be hosted inside the application design and logic. The applications comprise of managed platforms, virtual machines, native applications and widgets
    Bluetooth Wireless Proximity Based Marketing: It works like local TV advertising on cable or network channels where a customer in a particular location will be served custom ads for that area. You will receive an ad or a message based on the location your wireless device is picking up
    Location-Based Marketing: Delivers multi-media directly to the user of a mobile device dependent upon their location via GPS technology
    QR Codes (quick-response barcodes): Allows customers to quickly learn more about a business, by visiting a mobile version of their business page on a mobile phone that is enabled to scan the bar code
    Pay Per Call Mobile (also called click-to-call):  Pay per call is advertising that generates a billable event only when the reader of the ad does something—in this case, makes a phone call.  A mobile ad can contain a phone number that the customer can select and call instantly from their cell phone
    Voice Marketing: Voice broadcasting calls numbers from a computer managed list and plays a pre-recorded message to the customer
    Mobile Banner Ads: Like standard banner ads for desktop web pages but smaller to fit on mobile screens and run on the mobile content network

Gaming based marketing:

Social gaming, or ‘gamification‘ is quickly becoming an important aspect of marketing in today’s world.  The social gaming phenomenon has exploded.  Facebook reports that more than 200 million people are playing games on Facebook.  That is a small tip of a very large iceberg.  Social networking sites allow friends to compete and compare their progress in games, as well as assist each other in reaching goals.  It is an interesting meshing of social networking and social gaming, and something that will soon be ubiquitous.  Forward thinking businesses understand that social gaming can become an important aspect of their marketing strategy.  It is the smart way to do business.
The idea of using social gaming as a marketing tool is not new, however with the Internet playing a key role in most people’s lives, it has changed how gaming works in new and unexpected directions.
According to recent research from Nielsen, online gaming is now the second-most popular activity among US web surfers, behind social networking, and so it is no surprise to learn that marketers are looking to capitalise on this booming hobby. In fact, according to forecasts by eMarketer, almost $200 million will be spent advertising on social networking games by brands this year.
social gaming can offer even more value to marketers, explains Scott Sinclair of Capgemini Consulting. “One of the things that social gaming allows marketers to create is an experience around the brand which is inherently more memorable than simply showing an advert or popping something up on Google AdWords,” he explains. “To actually interact and involve the brand with an experience is almost the ultimate when it comes to marketing.”
Important things we need to consider:
1) Choose the right game
2) Identify the audience you are going after
3) Ensure the campaign has ‘stickiness’ and is interactive
4) Ensure the reward for the user has value
5) Encourage viral promotion

My personal thoughts on Marketing and specifically affiliate marketing
Business world is changing day by day. This is the right time to broaden our thoughts and expand our business into the new era. Marketing is the tools and techniques which can expand the business. Marketing is the Key to unlock the door of success. Affiliate Marketing is the new wing of marketing which can work and grow speedily with the help of affiliates. This is the latest technique which works faster than other technique of marketing. Affiliate marketing works through affiliate network.
Affiliate marketing can be a great and successful venture that one undertakes. It clearly has its advantages over traditional advertising and promoting schemes, but it should be known that there are many limitations too. It is a joint partnership between merchants and affiliates which runs on a commission basis. When somebody buys something on a website, the affiliate is given a commission of the profit based on per click, per lead or per sale.
The obvious advantages of affiliate marketing are that merchants have a wider environment generating more products and services signifying more sales. No additional time is spent in marketing with merchants and they can obtain more customers this way too. If done correctly, knowing customer needs and desires can create a knowing of market trends which can help future sales in the sense that the website knows how to market products more effectively next time.
The other obvious advantage is that it is an easy way to create additional income for both merchants and websites. Banners generate interest and does not need any kind of big capital expenditure to market and advertise certain products. It can be done with very little technical expertise and therefore is easy to start up. No physical connection is needed in the sense that anyone can work from anywhere in the world as long as the have an Internet connection. In this context it can be incorporated with one's current job. It is a handy source of income and can generate extra revenue without compromising one's regular job.

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Affiliate Marketing Tips & Tricks 2016 Part 2
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